Monday, April 4, 2011

Monday 4/4/11 Check In

Last weeks weight: 268
Today's Weight: 267.8
Down 0.2
How I feel about it: BAH!
What happened: Too much salt. Too much sugar.
Average Daily Calorie Intake: 1,600 (70 calories more on average per day than last week's average)
Exercise encounters: Four 45-60 min walks and one 30 minute session with trainer.
What I am going to do different this week: Avoid salty/sugary snacks. Try to shave down the calories back to 1,500/day. Will aim for at least the same exercise encounters. In a perfect world, get to the gym at least two times.
What I am hung up on right now: I am very discouraged as I write this. I have such a LOOOOONG ways to go, and it seems impossible today. I feel ugly.
One thing I did to counter those feelings: I went grocery shopping and loaded up on good things to choose from this week. I'll go back to work tomorrow, take care of my precious patients, and count my blessings.

1 comment:

  1. Do you do Livestrong? It is a site where you can track your calories. Or "Tap and Track" ? That one is an app. I think you can get the app for Livestrong too. Eddie lost 14 lbs just tracking his calories on his phone and no workouts.

    I am sorry you feel ugly. Those feeling stink. If it is any consolation you are one of the prettiest people in my life. ;)

    Keep it up lady. You can do it. I am routing for you!!!!!
