Did what, you ask?
Posted a link to "Two Blondes Walking" on my Facebook page.
Now the whole world (or, just my 281 friends) know how much I weigh.
I have, like, major blog envy of so many people and their very excellent blogs. I want to be clever. I want to be funny. I want to say profound things. I want to give stuff away. I want to loose this Freakin' Awful Weight!!!!
There's only one problem.
So now, I am overweight and have a dumb blog to boot.
So, I could hide that number on the scale and hide my blog. But then, what am I doing.
Just me, myself, and I.
Here I am.....
Still here......
As in the words of Dr.Phil. "How's that working for ya' Em?"
Not so good. Hiding is just...well.....FAIL!
So. I did what I had originally intended. Started a blog. Put it out there for anyone who cares to read, and hopefully some day, join me on my Monday Check-Ins and we can do this together.
No more hiding.
After all, we need each other.
I need you.
And now, I am going to do the other thing I set out to do.
Walk the blonde.
And, if I ever figure out how to do it (did I mention I have no idea what I am doing?) I will post a picture of the blonde looking at me with her "is it time to go yet mom? look.
For now, you'll have to take my word for it.
It's pretty darn cute.
Girl- I happen to think you are extremely clever and hilarious....in fact, I'm sooooo glad I get to read this because it reminds me just how much I like you ;) ciao, fellow blonde!